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Death Valley NP (CA)

Date: June 2006
Miles: 500

I like riding in Death Valley. The scenery is spectacular and the roads are not crowded. This was my first visit into the heart of the park on my bike. In the end, I drove for about 500 miles. Up till this day, most of the riding I have done consisted of commuting to work (90 miles RT) and short local drives (<100 miles). I was pretty darn sore at the end of the day, wondering how people put up with ralleys such as the IBR, which average at least 1000 miles a day for 11 days in a row...

Map of my route

My bike by alluvial fans


Ubehebe Crater located in the northern part of the Park

Self-portrait by the crater

Scotty's Castle, also in the northern part of the park


I walked up to Scotty's grave, and took another picture of the castle

Sand dunes by Stovepipe Wells

On the way home, I stopped by the entrance to the Trona Pinacles

Beautiful full-moon over the Mojave desert